Announced alert level changes and change to alert level 3 guidelines - multi chair clinics

The Prime Minister announced that:

  • Northland will move to alert level 2 on 11:59pm Tuesday, 19 October 2021
  • Auckland and Waikato remain in alert level 3 for the moment—with Waikato’s settings being reviewed on Friday, and Auckland staying in alert level 3 for the next two weeks.

Change to alert level 3 guidelines for multi chair clinics

In considering the ongoing impact to provision of care for patients during the extended lockdown, and necessary measures to protect the public’s health and safety, the Council has worked with the Ministry of Health on the requirements to provide care in multi-chair clinics.

The following change was made to the alert level 3 guidelines:

For multi chair clinics where non-aerosol generating procedures are performed on Low-Medium risk patients - ensure enough space is maintained in the clinic so that patients and their support person are able to maintain a distance of at least 2 metres from others when entering and exiting the clinic.

The room requirements for aerosol generating procedures on these patients remain unchanged—being a single room, door closed.

We recognise that this is an incredible difficult time for practitioners, staff and whānau. We encourage practitioners to access support or help made available through the government, professional bodies or those available within your community.

Kia noho haumaru, stay safe.

Andrew Gray (Chair) & Marie Warner (CE)